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Animals Are Better Friends Than Humans

Philosophy professors book asks humans to rethink their relationships with animals

Why dogs fit into families so well

In her new book Fellow Creatures, Dr. Virginia Morell explores the unique bond between humans and dogs. She argues that dogs are not merely pets, but rather our companions and equals. Morell's book is based on extensive research, including interviews with dog owners, scientists, and philosophers. She provides a wealth of evidence to support her claims, including the fact that dogs have a positive impact on our physiology and well-being.

The pet effect

The "pet effect" is a term used to describe the positive impact that pets have on our health and well-being. Studies have shown that pets can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve mood. They can also provide companionship and support, which can be especially important for people who live alone or who are struggling with difficult times.

Morell argues that the pet effect is further proof that animals are our best friends. She writes, "Animals are not just creatures that we keep around for our own amusement. They are sentient beings who have their own needs and desires. We owe it to them to treat them with respect and compassion."


